
MELO World Team won Clean Green Business of the Year 2023 @ Halton Business Awards!

On Friday 16th of June, our Team attended Halton Business Awards Night. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate local businesses while enjoying a great atmosphere and delicious food.
Lots have changed since we last attended the Halton Business Awards back in 2017. It was great to see familiar faces and to meet the new… the passionate… the young guns. (yes, we class ourselves as experienced and a bit older now mind you). 

Halton Business Awards 1

As a business community we expand and grow. As individual businesses we are no longer afraid of a big bad Covid and the resilience we had, helped us becoming stronger and ready for new challenges.
It was great to laugh, exchange stories and make plans for networking or even joint ventures. From a business perspective – we appreciate being recognised for our continuous efforts to reach new heights as a clean & green business. The award is greatly appreciated and we will show off with it as much as possible :).

To the Hosts of Halton Business Awards..

A huge thanks to Halton Chamber of Commerce for putting together an amazing event and celebrating us, local businesses. It was one of the hottest events! (pun intended), organised meticulously. We can’t wait for next year!

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